Teachers software of pay billdaaas pensionincome tax ts go. As per this scheme, those who were not able to get in time promotion with in the period of 10 years even though they were having promotion qualifications and eligibility, they were eligible get scales 10years special grade post scale and respectively sppi scale for those who were completed 15 years. Application for salary increment by teacher to school principal after one year or on the basis of performance, experience and education. Notional increments to the special teachersspecial language panditsspecial physical education teachers who are appointed on fixed pay of rs. Annual grade increment software agi software for ap ts teachers by ghm vijay kumar annual increment software is useful for high schools as well as mandal level. Annual grade increment software agi software for apts teachers by ghm vijay kumar annual increment software is useful for high schools as well as mandal level. We currently support all ap courses and ap coordinators through 32 communities.
Claim for pension fixation in rps 2015 prc 2015 pension fixation software and pension calculator. Deo chittoor,deo krishna,deo vijaya nagaram,deo guntur,deo srikakulam were also released the forwarding proceedings to all. Ap summative, ts, telangana sa exams, fa, andhra pradesh latest gos, ts gos 10th fa sa question papers model papers software material ap go da table zppf apgli. Annual grade increment bs chary education concession. Promotion fixation software in prc 2015 sate teachers union. Increment proceedings software by sreedhar reddy for all. Deo chittoor,deo krishna,deo vijaya nagaram,deo guntur,deo srikakulam were also released the. Cps dairprc arrears css amount paid in cash preparation bill software. Pay fixation arrears from promotion date under fr 22 a1 option given to increment date. If you are an ap teacher, select a community from the dropdown menu above to get started. Option for promotion fixation of pay can be given either to increment date or promotion date. Apts dsc2003 teachers aas12years increment excel software, programme developed by sri aithagoni srinivas garu, physical education teacher, zphs balemla, suryapet mandal nalgonda dist, cell no.
It also provides information about the ap program in general. Promotion fixation software in prc 2015 sate teachers. Ap teachers increment proceeding software, ts employees annual grade increment agi software, increment proceeding for employees, increment rules,yearly increment model proceedings. This is the core document for your subject, describing the curriculum and the exam. Promotion fixation software for sgt, lp telugu pandits,sa brief information, g. The teacher income tax software 201920 such as teachersbuzz, putta srinivas, gunturbadi and kss prasad it software, guide ts and ap teachers employees to organise taxes properly in excel sheet program, pay and file taxes online in advance via efiling according to the slab rates for the financial year 201920 and for the assessment year 202021. Here we also provide ap teacher news on the daily basis.
Mar 31, 2020 ap treasury is an online web portal for ap new teachers. Sa hm promotion fixation software promotion increment bill preparation ddo proceeding. Prc 2015 pension fixation software and pension calculator. I want to prepare the aas 12 yrs scale bill upto november 2018 whereas your software shows upto july 2018 please send the relevant software to my e mail id i have been using your soft ware for the last two years really it works very well i am very much thankful to you. Ts employees teachers month wise salary details for 201920 financial year. Ap ts dsc2003 teachers 12yearsaas increment excel software. Enter your 7 digits treasury id select inc mon not applicable july increment powered by. Ap haameepatram teachers prc 2015 repay fixation software dsc 2008 two notional increments sanctioned. Updates, teachernews gos also will be published in this page. Ap ts teachers annual grading increment fixation software for completion of one year service annual grading fixation increment software,ap year year annual grading increment fixation software for ap ts teachers,ap ts teachers yearly year annual grading software for teachers, annual grading increment agis for teachers software. Model proceedings ap telangana educational updates tgcet. Annual grade increment sanction head masters meo dy. Ap ts agi annual grade increment software by ghm vijay kumar.
Ap ts teachers annual grading increment software one year. Sir please upload increment software with new prc scales. Apts agi annual grade increment software by ghm vijay. Notional increment to 398 special teachers go 28 andhra. The aas automatic advancement scheme was introduced in prc1982. The above software is prepared to andra pradesh and telangana in new prc 2015. Apts dsc2003 teachers 12yearsaasincrement excel software. We provide all information, news, gos, teachers badi results, it software, circulars, tlms, and other softwares for andhra pradesh teachers. Model proceedings ap telangana educational updates. Monthly increment proceedings software for teachers, sreedhar. Government of ap provides the monthly ap employee pay details and particulars of the employee salary details. Nov 07, 2019 ap teachers promotion pay fixation process in c. Ap employee pay details teachers salary particulars download.
Teachers aas 6 12 18 24 years bill software automatic advancement scheme proceeding teachers aas 6 12 18 24 years bill software automatic advancement scheme proceeding. Useful softwares and excel programmes for teachers for preperation of pay bills, and other bills. The ap course audit is the required course authorization process that provides teachers and administrators with guidelines and requirements for offering ap courses. Nov 20, 2015 ap ts teachers annual grading increment fixation software for completion of one year service annual grading fixation increment software, ap year year annual grading increment fixation software for ap ts teachers, ap ts teachers yearly year annual grading software for teachers, annual grading increment agis for teachers software. Annual grade increment agi software,software for teachers,annual periodical software,increment for employees, annual grade increment form, annual grade increment rules, annual grade increment model proceedings, annual grade increment certificate, annual grade increment letter, sanction of annual grade increment, annual grade increment, annual grade increment proforma. Teachers software of pay billdaaas pensionincome tax, software ms excell programme mdm software, pay bill software, da, aas, pension, preponement, income tax, pf, medical reimbursement, gis program, and teachers related software. Apr 14, 2015 claim for pension fixation in rps 2015 prc 2015 pension fixation software and pension calculator. Ap teachers annual grade increment software as per prc 2015, ts teachers annual grade increment software new prc 2015. Promotion fixation software for sgt, lp telugu pandits,sa. Ap ts teachers and all types of employees automatic advancement scheme prc 2015 special grade post scale z. The teachers and employees who got their promotion have to fix their pay in the promotion post as per the service rules in vogue. Application for salary increment by school teacher to principal. Increment proceedings software by sreedhar reddy upto 20 teachers.
Annual grade increment agi software for teachers agi. Ap ts teachers and all types of employees automatic. Seshadri income tax software fy 201920, ay 202021, it assessment software fy 201920 for salaried employees ap and ts, prepared by s. Apteachers latest useful updates section powered by. Aug 25, 2017 promotionfixation software ap teachers. Ap ts teachers aas 6 1218 24 years increment bill proceeding software, ap employees new pay scales, ordinary, special grade scales in rps 2015. Nov 24, 2018 teachers software of pay billdaaas pensionincome tax, software ms excell programme mdm software, pay bill software, da, aas, pension, preponement, income tax, pf, medical reimbursement, gis program, and teachers related software. Softwares, application forms for teachers apteachers website. Income tax software fy 201920, ay 202021, it assessment software fy 201920 for salaried employees ap and ts, prepared by s. Ap ts automatic advance scheme software for teachers and all type of employees respectively 6121824 years. Issues authorisations for financial assistance of spouses of deceased teachers who retired died in service between 1. Ap new teachers salary details sgt, sa, pe, lp pay particulars and leave. Mar 10, 2020 download promotion fixation software excel program teachers promotion pay fixation model excel program.
Ap ts automatic advance scheme software for teachers and all. Teachers promotion fixation software download teachers. Option for promotion fixation of pay can be given either to increment date or promotion. Child care leave model proceeding and application form. Ap treasury officials maintains this ap employee pay details system and ap state cyber treasury maintain the ap employee pay details system. Apts dsc2003 teachers aas12years increment excel software. Here are our top 10 teacher software picks, all of which are guaranteed to make your job easier and which you should be using on a daily basis. Teachers software of pay billdaaas pensionincome tax. Apts agi annual grade increment software by ghm vijay kumar. P govt muncipality aided teachers and staff aas automatic advancement scheme software download. Seshadri samaths, zphsthugundram, chittoor, it software for govt teachers online software income tax act, income tax rates and slabs fy 201920 ay 202021, income tax online assesment, income tax calculation software slab rates of income tax fy 201920, rates of tax. Download promotion fixation software excel program teachers promotion pay fixation model excel program. Leave with all allowances will count for increment fr 26bi. May 6, 2015 pensioners prc pay fixation calculation rps2015 ap.
Ap treasury is an online web portal for ap new teachers. Prc go ms rps 2015 sanction of stagnation increments, ap go 67 recommended for sanction of five. Teachers who are completed one year service successfully offer sanction one increment to sanction authority like head master in high schools are m. Oct 03, 2016 annual grade increment form,annual grade increment rules,annual grade increment model proceedings,annual grade increment certificate,annual grade increment letter,sanction of annual grade increment,annual grade increment, annual grade increment proforma,annual grade increment application,annual grade increment bill software,application for. Ap haameepatram teachers prc 2015 repay fixation software. Top 10 teacher software programs you should be using on a. Annual grade increment agi software,software for teachers,annual periodical software,increment for employees, annual grade increment form, annual grade increment rules, annual grade increment model proceedings, annual grade increment certificate, annual grade increment letter, sanction of annual grade increment, annual grade increment, annual grade increment proforma, annual grade increment. Income tax software by seshadri fy 201920 ay 202021 for ap.
Nov 8, 2016 ap employee pay details teachers salary particulars download ddo request treasury. Jan 18, 2017 child care leave model proceeding and application. Sign in to collaborate with ap teachers around the globe. Nov 11, 2017 apts dsc2003 teachers aas12years increment excel software, programme developed by sri aithagoni srinivas garu, physical education teacher, zphs balemla, suryapet mandal nalgonda dist, cell no.
Teachers aas 6 12 18 24 years bill software automatic. Seshadri samaths, zphsthugundram, chittoor, it software for govt teachers online software income tax act, income tax rates and slabs fy 201920 ay 202021, income tax online assesment, income tax calculation software slab rates of income tax fy 201920. Promotion fixation softwareteachers promotion pay fixation. Annuval grade increment agi software as per prc 2015 incom tax 2015 trail by utf. Teachers annual increment sanction proceeding software who are completed one year service teachers, after sanction one increment. Dsc 2008 hamipatralu notional increments orders were released by cse ap and finance department vide go. Ap ts annual grading increment software for teachers, agi software one year completed service increment software for teachers ap and ts.
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